Nov 08, 2009 12:07
from Life on Mars, Season 2
Gene: what do you think I DO in my office all day?
Sam: I dunno... build a Deathstar?
well I lol'd
In other news: so I've FINALLY worked out how to use an lj- cut. I find it quite hilarious that other randoms instructions on here made more sense than LJ's own FAQ did :P Now to work out how to LJ cut in rich text lol
john simm,
life on mars,
Nov 01, 2009 12:52
The Yellow House starring John Simm is on tonight in Australia on ABC1 at 10:15pm. It's about Vincent Van Gough in his most productive and also most disturbed era. Looks good. Ok, ok 'm just saying that coz I have an obsession with the powerhouse actor that is JS. But to whoever reads this from Auz... go watch it, tape it, whatever. It's gonna be
john simm